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Letter from the President

Dear NWARW Members,

It is my honor to serve our club organization as President for the 2024 year. This year marks our 55th year as a Texas Federated Republican club. Living in Travis County has educated me firsthand on why we are together for the cause of conservatism and support of Republican candidates.

We continue to support our Republican candidates on the ballot with our volunteer Political Campaign efforts as we phone bank, door knock, and fundraise. We expose and educate others around us with our welcoming Hospitality where we share information related to our Republican values with Americanism, Literacy needs, host speakers at NWARW meetings/Chat Night on trending issues, and many other Programs. The result is we empower others to be actively involved that builds future conservative leaders that take us forward year to year.

Our club serves others in our community by focusing on social issues that can use our assistance with volunteer hours and financial support under our Caring for America umbrella. This has been a longstanding tradition for our club and as activists we do make a positive impact with this effort. It is the beginning of the Outreach that we will continue and expand on.

We also advocate new bills proposed that represent our priorities. We want those who represent us to hear from us on why we want certain items in a bill and why we may even have a few in Legislative committee that we want to speak up and share why they do not represent our priorities. The Texas Legislature does know we need to be heard. We want to be sure what becomes law is the priority of our party.

Our 2024 Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and volunteers represent what we do. You are part of this club and we value your interests, ideas, and input. We also value your talent to lead us into the future.

In the directory, you will find contact information, bylaws of our club, information to access valuable content for both TFRW and NFRW of which we are members, and additional relevant contact information. We advocate for you to be involved. Reach out to any of us to help, ask questions, and more.

Let us continue Together building friendships, and to get to November 2024 to celebrate Keeping Texas Red!

GOD BLESS TEXAS and each of You,

Mary Heffernan

President, Northwest Austin Republican Women

NW Austing Republican Women